There maximum size is 4.5 cm/2 inches. They are best kept in water parameters of Ph range 6.5- 7.5, temperature range 24-29 °C / 75-85 °F.
The red claw crab is something different to add in to your tropical fish tanks.
They are very good at escaping however, so we do recommend that you cover every escape root.
They fed of the bottom of the tank, so sinking food is best. They need meat in there diet so live or frozen foods are good for them.
Mixing them with fish however is hit and miss.
We do say do not mix them with any other bottom feeding fish, or small fish as if they get hungry they can and will go after your fish so keeping them well fed is a good idea.
Every so often they shed there skin, they shed it hole. When they shed there skin they are really delicate for a few days after so keep your eye on them. They go off there food for a few days and this is a sign they are getting ready to shed. They will eat there skin as its a good nutrition for them. They shed there skin to Red claw crabs are very small, but with there claws they can take any size food. They do require meat in there diet so frozen and live foods are good for them, like frozen mussel, lance fish, bloodworm or brine shrimp. And as they eat of the bottom of the tank make sure the food you feed them sinks. With red claw crabs only feed once a day at the most.
Black Ghost Knife Fish
Black ghost knife fish is a member of the Apterontida family its name is the Apteronotus albifrons.
The maximum size they can grow is over 30 cm / 12 inches. They are best kept in water parameters of Ph range 6.5 -7.0, and a temperature range of 73-80 °F / 23-27 Celsius.
The black ghost knife fish are a semi aggressive fish and they do need to mix with other bigger semi aggressive fish.
They possess a weak electrical organ at the caudal peduncles ( this is the narrow part on the fish which the tails is attached to ) which is used to locate food. Do not worry this is not harmful to us.
They do eat of the bottom of the tank so feeding them sinking food is best. Frozen food or live food like blood worm is also needed in there diet.
The black ghost knife fish like to hide and they will hide anywhere they can, even the smallest of spaces they will try to get in to. As they like to hid this makes them hard to spot in your tank so a ghost knife tube is handy to use, this is just a clear tube which you can make your self out of clear pipe. They can hide in it and you can still see them.
Black ghost knife require sinking food as they are a bottom feeding fish. They can take small or large pieces off food. Feeding live and frozen foods is best for there diet. With black ghost knife only feed once a day at the most
Bronze Cory Cat
Corydoras aeneus common name bronze cory cat are lovely little cat fish for tropical tanks.
They only grow up to 6 cm / 2.5 inches fully grown. They live in water parameters of Ph range 6.0-7.5, temperatures of 22-26 Celsius / 72-79°F.
The bronze cory cats are a lovely peaceful small bottom feeding fish. They can mix with small to medium size community fish.
As they are a bottom feeding fish they do require sinking foods, so catfish pellets, granular foods are best for them. They do like a bit of live or frozen foods like bloodworm but this is a treat for every now and then.
Bronze cory catfish are bottom feeding fish. The food needs to sink to the bottom of the tank for them to feed. They are only small cat fish so really only require small size food. Bronze cory cats only need feeding once a day at the most.
Danio margaritatus common name galaxy rasbora, microrasbora sp, or celestial pearl danio.
They can grow up to 2-2.5 cm / 1 inch fully grown, and live in water parameters of PH range 7.0-8.0 and temperatures of 21-26 Celsius / 70-79 °F.
The galaxy rasbora or celestial pearl danio are small peaceful fish so really need to be kept with other small community fish. They are best kept in groups as the less you have the harder it is to spot them in the tank.
They can have some stunning colours and the males are always a little brighter than the females.
As they are only small fish they have a diet of flake, or mini granular foods. But enjoy a treat of freeze dried, frozen or live foods.

Poecilia sp Common name endler guppy.
They only grow to about 2.5 cm / 1 inch fully grown. They live in water parameters of PH range of 6.5-8.0 and temperatures of 19-28 Celsius / 66-82 °F.
The endler guppy is a very smaller type of guppy. The males are extremely colourful with a mixture of green, orange and red colours, and the females are mainly all silver.
They are peaceful and can mix with small community fish. As they stay so small they can easily be eaten by bigger fish. The endler guppy is best kept in groups as they can be very shy on there own.
They require a mixture of foods colour enhancing foods is one of the best things to keep there colour bright. They also like algae based foods, and freeze dried, frozen or live foods.

Rasbora heteromorpha common name harlequin rasbora.
They grow up to 5 cm / 2 inches fully grown. They are best kept in water parameters of PH range 6.0-7.5 and temperatures of 22-25 Celsius / 72-77 °F.
Harlequin rasbora are peaceful fish, and are best mixed with other smaller community fish.
They can be very shy on there own, so it is best to mix them in groups.
They have a diet of flake, small pellets, and granular foods. Also a treat of freeze dried, frozen or live foods is always good.